jam-making 101, including why you should forget about thermometers + the method that achieves the best flavour and texture
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Today we are focusing on JAM (“jelly”, if you’re American) because here in the U.K. we are in PEAK JAM SEASON and I want to make sure that you have all the necessary tools to preserve summer’s beautiful bounty (including the perfect jam-making playlist — scroll on down to the bottom).
This post:
Covers what jam, when — because traditional jam is not always the answer to your jam needs
Explains why it’s a good idea to ditch the jam thermometer, and what really matters when it comes to making the stuff
Shares the game-changing technique you ought to know about
Explains the deal with pectin
Goes over the role of sugar in jam-making, why we steer clear of brown sugar + when it makes sense to splurge on jam sugar
Reveals my jam matrix — a one-size-fits-all formula for jam that categorises different fruits according to how easy they are to turn into jam, plus includes all the BEST flavour combinations
Bonus: you’ll also get a print-out recipe for my peach melba jam
Shares a recipe for ultra-convenient, small-batch, “quick jams”
Includes footnotes that cover what qualifies as jam (vs compote vs marmalade vs fruit “butter); whether your pot matters; what tools can help you; and the most straightforward way of sterilising jam jars
Let’s get into it!